Saturday, April 14, 2012

Strawberry Parfait with Balsamic Reduction

This recipe is really all about the balsamic reduction for the parfait. The reduction, or syrup, is incredibly complex and delicious and goes on so many dishes. It is not only great on ice cream or gelato, but would be wicked drizzled on a Filet Mignon with some crumbled goat cheese. It doesn't hurt that it is incredibly easy and impressive at the same time. By the way, there are very few calories and zero fat in Balsamic Vinegar... :) Your welcome.

Balsamic Reduction:

2 cups good quality Balsamic Vinegar
4 tsp white sugar

Combine the ingredients in a small pot and bring to a simmer.

Let the mixture simmer until it has reduced by about 3/4. You can check the readiness of it by dipping a spoon in the pot. If the reduction covers the spoon and does not drip off, it is ready.

Take the reduction off the heat and let it cool to room temperature. This stores in your fridge for weeks. Enjoy the accolades from your friends....and don't tell them how easy it is.

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